Virtual Adjusting

4 Ways Virtual Adjusting Can Be Used By Field Adjusters


4 Ways Virtual Adjusting Can Be Used By Field Adjusters

Written by: Bonnie Winters

Lately “virtual” is in front of almost every word. Virtual Conference. Virtual Happy Hour. Virtual School. What can be virtual will be virtual these days. Claims handling is no different. The COVID-19 crisis has forced a lot of carriers to adopt some form of virtual adjusting. While some adjusters have embraced this new tool, others have a lot of uncertainty. Will virtual adjusting replace me? How am I going to learn another new software?

Virtual claims handling is exactly what it sounds like - a way to adjust claims without being on-site. Virtual adjusting software uses a combination of video collaboration and integrations with your estimating platform to document and sync the claims data. You can do things like:

  • Take digital measurements

  • Scope damage

  • Record video

  • Snap pictures

The data can easily sync to your estimating platform. In some cases the information can sync in real-time. 

Like with anything new (especially in the middle of a pandemic) it’s not always the easiest to adapt to new things. It's not any easier when you're not sure how your income will be affected. The great news about virtual claims handling is that it wasn’t built to replace Field Adjusters. Virtual adjusting was designed to accommodate policyholders and to simply help the Field Adjusters tasks.

Virtual adjusting is a tool, not your enemy

You likely have many tools in your toolbox to help you adjust claims. Whether your tools are physical tools in your car or an app on your phone - you have lots of them. Sometimes it may seem like too many! Think of virtual adjusting as another tool. There are lots of ways an adjuster can use virtual adjusting to make their lives easier. One of the big benefits is to make you more versatile as an adjuster. I always suggest that adjusters should be well versed in every aspect of adjusting. You never know what doors will be open or what will be in demand for the future. We never expected a pandemic, and now the demand for virtual adjusting continues to increase every day. 

4 ways Virtual Adjusting can be used by Field Adjusters

  1. After hours claims. On occasion you have an insured that can not take off of work or works too far away from their residence to meet during their lunch hour.   For those insureds who work full-time, this can be a great alternative so they don’t have to take off work. This will eliminate the insured using accrued time off from work as well as allow the adjuster evening time with family.

  2. Reduce windshield time. Sometimes a single claim may require 1-2 hours travel time round trip. What’s even worse is when you have a long commute for a small claim. Virtual adjusting can reduce windshield time, freeing up your time to process the claim or even handle another virtual claim. 

  3. Process small (simple) damages. Based on the claim that comes through, most adjusters can gauge whether the claim is complex or not. If you don’t already have an on-site visit scheduled near the claim site, it may cost you more in time to travel to that claim. These are perfect cases for virtual adjusting. You can estimate the damages through the video collaboration without leaving your house.

  4. Supplement adjusters with injuries. While some adjusters are in great shape, there are others that may not be. Back injuries or other injuries may limit the amount of climbing or crawling an adjuster can handle. If you have a restricting injury, virtual adjusting can help. This can be the perfect supplement for claims that can be processed virtually that may require climbing or crawling.

Did you know? You can complete a virtual claim in less time that it could take to drive to/from a property and upload your photos?

Adding Virtual Adjusting to your toolbox

Virtual adjusting doesn’t require any extra certifications if you’re already licensed in the state of the claim. You can see how Virtual Adjusting can be a great tool for Field Adjusters. As technology and the insurance industry evolves, we want to make sure that adjusters have the information they need to grow. Aside from being trained on the virtual adjusting software, some IA firms will also cover the cost of the virtual claims handling. 

Are you ready to up your adjusting game? Click here to join our roster and ask how you can become a Field Pro virtual adjuster.

How Virtual Adjusting Will Impact Insurance Beyond COVID-19

Written by: Matt Anderson and Ally Momot

Business today looks very different than it did as little as 2 weeks ago. Coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted businesses across the globe, forcing companies to seek alternative ways to maintain “business as usual”. While this forced change will impact all businesses in both negative and positive ways, we’re seeing businesses across the nation step out of their comfort zones in effort to keep their team and society safe. 

A large part of this “new world” we’re all living in is the replacing in-person interactions with virtual ones. This is pushing industries that you never thought were capable of hosting virtual anything to being fully virtual companies. Brick-and-mortar businesses are finding ways to function remotely. Live events are being streamed over the internet. Toddlers are continuing their education through virtual classrooms.

The Virtual Impact in Property and Casualty Claims. 

The insurance industry is no exception, especially in the claims processing department. Traditionally adjusters would investigate claims on-site without being worried about social distancing or putting the policyholder’s health at risk. With the COVID-19 pandemic numbers rising, Insurance Carriers needed a quick solution to handle claims without running the risk of potentially spreading this rapidly growing virus. Aside from the use of hand sanitizer,  N95 masks and rubber gloves, Carriers are turning to virtual adjusting to help continue to process claims. While claim volume is low right now, virtual adjusting also proved to be a cost-beneficial way to process claims quickly and safely. 

What is Virtual Adjusting and how does it work?

Virtual adjusting is a platform that allows adjusters to use video collaboration with the policyholder to assess damages. Once the software is implemented, the adjuster sends the policyholder a secure link to their phone. This link will give the virtual adjusting software access to the policyholders phone camera while geo-tagging the location to reduce the risk of fraud. Experienced licensed adjusters can guide the policyholder through the property to assess the damage while taking measurements, photos, and videos. Once completed the measurements and photos are sent to the estimating platform. Some solutions even offer real-time integration with your estimating platform. 

The Benefits of Virtual Adjusting Beyond COVID-19

Right now it’s hard for some companies to look too far in the future, especially with the uncertainty of when the Country is going to be “back to normal”. While Virtual Adjusting is a timely solution for this pandemic, it’s going to become a long-term solution for many carriers as wellThe benefits of claims that can be handled virtually stretch beyond COVID-19 and are proving to be considered a valuable part of a company’s claims handling process. Some of the benefits we’ve seen from our clients are:

  1. Decreased claims cycle times.  The speed of settling claims has always been one of the first components of quality.  In most  cases it could take an adjuster more time to travel to/from a claim and upload the pictures than it would to completely process a virtual claim. 

  2. Better customer service and quality reports. While some policyholders will always prefer an on-site Field Adjuster, Virtual Adjusting gives you the ability to accommodate policyholder’s preferences with more options. Virtual adjusting provides more than a solution for social distancing by offering convenience and an improved claims experience - resulting in better customer service.

  3. Broader reach. Carriers often struggle with having active adjusters nationwide, which is why they often rely on independent adjusting (IA) firms. IA’s that offer virtual adjusting could potentially double the amount of accessible adjusters. Since the adjuster can handle claims faster in the comfort of their own home, you eliminate the barrier of location. 

What Does This Mean to Field Adjusters?

Virtual adjusting or virtual claims handling shouldn’t make field adjusters feel intimidated or nervous.This should be looked at as another tool for adjusters to utilize. Certain claims will always require an adjuster to be on-site. Some policyholders even prefer an on-site adjuster because they feel comfortable being able to see what’s happening and ask questions without picking up a phone. It’s like the people who never use online chat or email because they prefer to just call if they have a question. 

Field Adjusters should embrace Virtual Adjusting. Find IA firms that offer Virtual Adjusting and apply to be on their roster. Usually they will front the bill for any required Virtual Adjusting software and train you in the process. 

Whether you’re an insurance carrier or field adjuster, virtual adjusting will become a standard industry term well beyond this pandemic. Uncertainty can create innovation as companies are forced to survive in circumstances they may have never imagined. Carriers that may never have considered virtual adjusting are not only using it, but are experiencing the benefits. Our advice is to start small. Whether it’s the Field Pros Direct virtual adjusting platform or another provider, choose simple claims to start with, smaller losses where coverage is clear. Once you see how it works with your claims process, then decide whether you want to completely add this to your claims process.